Combat Load Arms

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Choosing the Best Paintball Air Systems

I guess you already 6.8SPC Ammo this out by now: there are many, many paintball air systems available for purchase. That's a no-brainer -- the real question is, which one is Military Combat Loads FOR YOU? In this consumer resource guide will try and answer some of your questions and help you sort out the options so you can make an intelligent choice for the best system for you.

Should You Use CO2 or Compressed Air -- the Debate Rages

Regardless of the specifics of your paintball gun model, all paintball guns used basically one of two Custom Brass Cases of gases as a propellant: either CO2 or compressed air. All paintball air systems will rely on one of those two mechanisms. Most beginner paintball players using a less expensive paintball gun will usually have a system that is powered by CO2 (carbon dioxide). The problem Custom Brass Manufacturer Ammunition the CO2-based system is that you can sometimes experience an inconsistent velocity when you fire your weapon. Another problem with air systems that are CO2-based is that CO2 gas performance is affected by environmental temperatures, reducing its efficiency. In addition to this, systems that are CO2-based can actually damage internal components of your paintball gun over time, as the liquid CO2 exists at very cold temperatures.

So a good recommendation would be this: whenever possible choose an air system that is not CO2-based -- instead rely on systems that utilize Military Combat Loads compressed air.

HPA -- the Best Paintball Air Systems?

It certainly is true that an HPA (High Pressure Air) system will give you much better performance. This is because an HPA-based system will eliminate a nearly all of the problems that you will experience with a CO2 based system. HPA-based systems will afford you a greater firing consistency and increased speed -- and that translates to more rapid, accurate firing on the playing field (something that were all looking for, right?)

Now it is true that Silver State Custom Brass Cases you invest in an HPA air system you will have to pay more for the equipment -- but isn't it worth it in order to have that increased performance and accuracy? Ask any advanced or professional level paintball player -- they'll tell you that it's certainly IS worth it.

Choosing an HPA Based Air System

If you want a very durable air system, choose one with an HPA tank that is wrapped in carbon fiber. Carbon fiber HPA tank bottles are much lighter than steel or aluminum ones, and far more durable as well.

One of the major issues in using a system that is CO2 based is that when CO2 gas enters the paintball gun it can expand -- and this gas expansion, if not properly controlled, can cause the paintball to be ejected from your paintball gun at a very unsafe speed. Because you do not have this kind of gas expansion with an HPA-based system, these types of systems are generally considered to be much safer than the other types.

In summary then, selecting an HPA-based paintball air system will allow you to fire more accurately, more reliably, and more safely than with the older CO2 based designs. An HPA-based system is a serious choice for serious players.

Learn more about Paintball Air Systems by visiting where you can also learn about Custom Paintball Guns

Deer Hunting Tips

The best deer hunting tips are the ones that you figure out for yourself and can offer to others. After all, few things feel better than finding the way that works for you. Of course, until you reach that point, here are some deer hunting tips to help you get there.

Deer Hunting Tips:

Deer are generally crepuscular: they are often active at dawn and dusk and sleep during the middle of the day and night.

This does not, however, mean that you will not see them feeding during the middle of the day.

Bucks are more often during hunting seas

Go scouting. Do this during early to late summer. When you scout, Ammunition manufacturer as careful as if you are actually hunting. Military Combat Loads and Rounds Types quite and do not leave much scent.

Find the food source that the deer will be eating during the hunting season.

Look for trees that will have the most acorns.

Look for areas with greens like clover or rye covering the ground.

Look for deer trail routes. The ones with the freshest tracks are the best.

If you are going to set up any sort of hunting stand, be sure to set it up pre-season, before the deer start feeding in that area. Otherwise, you can scare them off.

Mark your hot spots on a GPS.

Also be sure to take lots of notes. Do not expect to simply remember everything. You want to write down everything that you find.

You can find where the bucks are if you scout during the pre-season, right after the bucks have rubbed the velvet from their antlers. During this time, the rut (mating season) a buck is going to leave more markings on trees than he will afterward.

Look for areas with thick and dense brush. It is in areas like this that deer like to sleep. You can set up on the outskirts of such an area somewhere where you will be able to see better.

Remain still! Do not move unless absolutely necessary!

Do not fall asleep! This can be tricky when you remain so still, but Leitner-Wise ammo for sale asleep not only will lose you your deer, but it can also be quite dangerous if you are up in a Ammunition14179 stand.

Use special products to mask your scent. Deer have an excellent sense of smell.

Keep the wind direction in mind. Stay downwind of whatever feeding or sleeping Military Combat Loads and Rounds Types etc. you are staking out. Constantly check for changes in the wind.

Wear a harness if using a tree stand.

Move the site of your tree stand around. You do not want your deer to start associating deer stands with humans!

Try to avoid walking a long a deer trail or even walk parallel to one. Take the back route walk up streams, etc.

Be sure to always be ready. Make sure that you have checked your equipment right when you get to the stand, not once a deer is already out!

The majority of deer are shot downwind from a food source.

These are only a few deer hunting tips. There are actually many deer hunting tips available on many different websites from many different, experienced hunters. Before hunting in a certain 6mm ammo for sale is a good idea to ask locals hunters for their own, personal tips. Different areas can vary, and everyone has his or her own tricks of the trade.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, the environment, recreation, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on hunting, please visit Deer Blinds.