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Sunday, October 26, 2008

T.O.s Unfamous Return To Lincoln Financial Field

It was an unpleasant return buy military and law enforcement ammo T.O. to his former home field.

Terrell Owens, the former star for the Philadelphia Eagles, is now playing for the Dallas ammunition for sale Frangible Armor Piercing Ammo last Sunday was his first visit in almost a year to the Lincoln Financial Field in Philly.

While T.O. was just warming up and catching some passes in the field before the game, the Eagles fans were just starting the booing outside in the parking lot, they promised him more insults than any other athlete had ever heard before.

Matt Flinchbaugh of Camp Hill, Pa. arrived in his vehicle, which had detail offensive comments about the Cowboys and Owens.

"The boos are going to be larger and louder than anybody else ever felt, his T.O. jersey serving as an unofficial doormat. "It's the Super Bowl for us." Flinchbaugh said.

Flinchbaugh said Eagles fans can't forgive the way Owens fractured the team last season, "He didn't leave on bitter terms. Buy Ammo Direct from Manufacturer left on hatred terms," he said.

Bonnie Grant, an Eagles spokesman said that security was increased for the game and that any fan caught up throwing anything to the field, will be immediately ejected from the stairs and might face a possible revocation of his season tickets.

Even there was a sign that read "One down, one to go" with a photo of Owens and another of former Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin, who had to leave the field after suffering a neck injury in a game against the Eagles in 1999.

Surely Eagles fans were not happy with the presence of Owens in their home field, but the now Cowboys 5.56 Ammo receiver is looking forward to be accepted by the fans for the Dallas team.

Marshall Smith is an informative writer and specialist in the football betting industry who currently comments on the rifle ammunition and brass cases events on all major sports for

Forgotten Fundamentals - Alignment Part 2

Forgotten Fundamentals 1 part 2

OK, we're continuing to talk about how absolutely essential that proper alignment really is and I want you to put on your thinking cap on and answer a quick question for me.

If you are shooting a gun and you want to hit your intended target with any consistency, what is first order of business?

You have to aim the gun at the target Leitner-Wise Guns order to hit it...right?

I have one 223 rifle ammunition question for you.

What chance 6mm ammo for sale you have of hitting the target if you don't aim at it?

No chance is the correct answer.

Your golf swing is, in many ways, just like shooting a gun at a target. If we don't get ourselves aimed (aligned) at the target, we're certainly not going to hit it many times. Now having drawn this parallel, I can confidently say that nothing will destroy a good golf swing quicker than poor alignment.

Your eyes can see the target and subconsciously, you know where it is even if you're not looking at it...i.e. Leitner-Wise Guns you address the ball. So, if you unknowingly aim away from the target, a good swing will produce a bad result, (a shot that doesn't finish near the target), or even worse, you'll try to alter your swing in some manner in an attempt to hit the target, reinforcing a bad motion (this is what my pals did all day Saturday). Either of these results produces negative feedback in your mind regarding the good swing you're trying to cultivate. This negative feedback produces self-doubt and self-doubt almost always leads to disaster on the golf course.

On the other hand, a good swing with proper alignment is rewarded with a good result, (A shot that lands near the target), and positive feedback. This positive reinforcement can only come from hitting good shots.

When consistently fed positive feedback, your mind encourages your body to reproduce the good swing over and over again making it more and more likely that you will produce this swing even under intense pressure.

Tiger Woods will tell you, as will most top pros and low handicap amateurs, the more good shots you hit, the more successes you are able to achieve, the easier it is to hit more good shots and produce more successes even under major championship pressure.

Professional players are constantly monitoring their alignment because they know if it gets even a little bit skewed, it will adversely affect their swing and their psyche.

Golf is all about confidence and confidence is derived from producing successes.

Having said all that, IF you are going to improve your golf swing dramatically, build your confidence, and consistently shoot lower scores, it is absolutely essential that you make good alignment a GIVEN part of your set-up.

As with the other elements of the set-up, grip and posture, alignment is an element of the swing that we can and should take complete control of, making sure that we are always aligned directly at the target.

Matering this "Forgotten Fundamental" will give you the best opportunity to hit shot after shot at the target producing the positive feedback that you need in order to engrain a great golf swing and develop confidence in it.

I have sent this article to my 3 friends from Saturday.

If you would like to take your game to the next level by cultivating consistency and confidence throughout your set-up, full-swing, and short-game, I can help you achieve your goals.

Visit me online at:

Ben Throckmorton is a 20 year veteran of golf instruction. He is the author of the very successful "How To Break 90 in 3 Easy Lessons" golf instruction series and also the author of the newly released "The Golf Swing Secret.